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Armenians in Poland

History and culture

Józef Teodorowicz






Ormiańska Polska


Ormiańska Warszawa


Z przeszłości Armenii


Wartanidzi. Tom 1


Wartanidzi. Tom 2


Ormianie polscy w opisach i obrazach

Start arrow News arrow 35th number of “Awedis”
35th number of “Awedis” Drukuj
Awedis nr 35The 35th  summer number of “Awedis” has just appeared. In the opening article Editor in Chief writes :
Independence – how important is it? Being engaged in everyday life we can ignore how valuable is to have our own state. One should remember however that Poland as well as Armenia belonged to those countries which were deprived for many years of this state attribute. One hundred years ago the first Armenian state after middle ages was reborn and Poland  after more than century regained its independence. The first Armenian Republic lasted for two years only being exposed to internal disorders and external wars. It was also struggling with the terrible consequences of the Armenian  genocide taken place in the Ottoman Empire a short time ago. It was eventually invaded by the Soviet Army and incorporated together with the other parts of Caucasus into the Soviet Union for almost 70 years. Poland somewhat longer enjoyed its freedom namely up to the outbreak of the second world  war but after the war it was forced to be  in the zone of Soviet influences.

So called Autumn of Peoples (since 1989) has allowed Poland to become independent again from other countries. After difficult period of transformation Poland managed to join  NATO and European Union and to become the  example of proper development for other states of Middle and Eastern Europe. The fate of Armenia was much more difficult. The time of Communism tends to be  remembered  there as “golden years” contrary to “darkness and chill” years taking into consideration the earthquake in 1988, through  Nagorno- Karabakh conflict until the half 1990s. It was in this period when many Armenians went to the West being without perspectives of work and normal life leaving the country with devastated industry, being destroyed by war and internal unrests like it was in 1918.

Nevertheless in the end of 20th century appeared in Armenia the new generation of people who were determined to cease the economic fall of the state, fight against corruption and oligarchic structures. Irrespective of the fact that in 2008 the authorities bloodily suppressed social protests  this year people went out onto the streets again, demanding dismissal of the Prime Minister chosen by the Parliament and replacement of him by their own candidate. The protests ended with success and the authorities were changed. People were given hope for the better future,  We believe that these changes will bring about the expected effects.

We invite you for reading. The 35th number of “Awedis” is available in internet too,www.awedis.ormianie.pl
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