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Armenians in Poland

History and culture

Józef Teodorowicz






Ormiańska Polska


Ormiańska Warszawa


Z przeszłości Armenii


Wartanidzi. Tom 1


Wartanidzi. Tom 2


Ormianie polscy w opisach i obrazach

Start arrow News arrow 37th number of “Awedis”
37th number of “Awedis” Drukuj
Awedis nr 37The 37th  winter number of “Awedis” has just appeared. In the opening article of Editor in Chief we read as follows :
The last quarter of this year was marked by the celebrations of the hundredth anniversary of the regaining of independence. Polish Armenians always faithful to their second fatherland celebrated this anniversary among others through the ceremonial holy mass and a few other events. During this very quarter we had also other anniversaries to mark. At the beginning of December 80 years have passed from the death of the Archbishop Jozef Teodorowicz , significant figure for the Armenian community. He was the most deserving Armenian for the Polish affairs both before regaining independence and in the twenty years of interwar period. He led very intense pastoral, political and social activity. It is worth to recommend that every Armenian should study the history of Archbishop Jozef Teodorowicz and his spectrum of activities.
The second anniversary is very tragic – 30 years ago there was the catastrophic earthquake in Armenia . Its effects are still noticeable today. However irrespective of these destructions and influence of lasting war and energy crisis  Armenia slowly but systematically has been recovering .
Namely in this year for Armenia the new hope was born. It is the great social movement that overthrew former authorities, introduced its candidate for the post of the prime minister, elected new representatives to the parliament in the December election.
Against background of this peaceful revolution the citizens of Armenia have great hopes for a new better future, crackdown on ubiquitous corruption and exit from a difficult economic situation. Armenians in Poland look with hope for these changes in Armenia and count that thanks to them the situation in this country will improve significantly.
We invite you for reading. The 36th number of “Awedis” is available in internet too, www.awedis.ormianie.pl .

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